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Office of Graduate Studies Academic Affairs

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Applicants With Foreign Documents

Welcome Applicant!

These instructions are for students with Foreign Documents (H Visas or US Citizens with academic records out of country).

Students who attended a college or university outside of the U.S. will need to have their official transcripts evaluated before submitting their Cal State Apply application to the University. These applicants will need to submit evidence of foreign document evaluation to an approved agency in their application. See the 'Document Evaluation' section below for a list of approved agencies.

International students (F or J Visas) must apply through International Admissions. Do not fill out the general graduate studies application as it will slow down your application process.

Language Testing Requirements

Students that earned a degree from an Institution located in a nation where English is not the Official Language* must take TOEFL or IELTS or PTE ( or or

  1. TOEFL: paper based test (pbt) Graduate, Second Baccalaureate score of 550**
  2. TOEFL: computer-based version (cbt) Graduate, Second Baccalaureate score of 213**
  3. TOEFL: internet based (iBt) Graduate, Second Baccalaureate score of 80**
  4. IELTS (The International English Language Testing System) Graduate, Second Baccalaureate score of 6.5**
  5. PTE (Pearson's Test of English Academic) Graduate, Second Baccalaureate score of 65**

The institution code required when requesting score reports from ETS is 4671.

No decision will be made on your application for admission until your official report on the TOEFL exam or IELTS is received. Test scores must be received by the final application filing deadline date for your program.

*Note: California State University, Sacramento interprets “where English was the principal language of instruction” to mean that a school is located in a country where English is the native language (the daily medium of communication of the majority of residents is English), and that the students receive academic instruction in all subjects (except foreign language courses) at all levels of education in English.

**Note: Some graduate departments have different language test requirements and may require a higher score. For example, English and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) only accept TOEFL and require a score of 600/250/100. You must contact the Department of the degree program for score requirements.

Document Evaluation

The word “official” means academic records that bears an official signature in ink of the affiliated college principal, University Registrar, Rector, Controller of Examinations or Recorder of Records, and bear the university’s seal.

All foreign documents must be evaluated by one of the third-party agencies listed under the "Third-Party Agency Evaluation" section below. An admissions decision will not be made based upon unofficial, incomplete, or consolidated academic records. Official academic records are required from all post-secondary schools attended, showing all courses completed and/or in progress, and evidence of degree completion.

Third-Party Agency Evaluation

You must have your official documents evaluated by one of the third-party agencies listed below. Applicants using these agencies do not have to submit official transcripts from their institution of origin to the university, as the evaluations will be accepted as an official documents.

Please note: Applicants using third-party agencies to perform an evaluation do so at their own expense. The university will not reimburse applicants.

Agency Agency Evaluation Type

World Education Services (WES)
P.O. Box 5087 Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087

Telephone: (212) 966-6311
Fax: (212) 739-6100



Price $225

The package above includes the long term storing of evaluations

Academic Credentials Evaluation Institute (ACEI)
P.O. Box 6908
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Toll Free: (800) 234-1597 (USA Only) or (310) 275-3530
Fax: (310) 275-3528

Comprehensive Report

Price $205

Evaluations are held for a limited time ACEI addresses the specific needs of the displaced population via The Welcome Project

Educational Credential Evaluators, Inc. (ECE)

P.O. Box 514070
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470

Telephone: (414) 289-3400
Fax: (414) 289-3411

Course-by-Course Evaluation

Price $195

Evaluations are held for a limited time

Special Conditions & Reminders

  • Records evaluated by an outside agency must be submitted by their degree program's individually-posted deadline dates.
  • Students must submit academic records from all educational institutions attended, whether or not transfer credit is desired. Concealing attendance at an educational institution is considered a serious offense by the University and can nullify your admission and enrollment.
  • Please do not send transcripts before you apply. If you are not yet in our records system when they arrive, they may not be matched to your application, and your application will be delayed.
  • Graduate students should contact the Department of their desired degree program to determine whether the GRE or GMAT is required for their area of study.

Review Nation-Specific Requirements


Academic records or transcripts must be prepared in the native language and accompanied by complete, literal English translations prepared by the university’s authorized official, such as the Registrar, Rector, or Recorder. Grade conversions to the U.S. scale are not acceptable. The translation must include the names of all degrees, diplomas, and certificates as they are known in the country of origin.

If a translation cannot be obtained by the issuing institution or appropriate government agency, a sealed copy can be provided for translation. Sacramento State will provide the applicant with a sealed copy that must be delivered to the translation service. Upon completion, the translation service will mail directly to Sacramento State a sealed translation. Applicants are responsible for the cost of translation and postage.

Translating Agency must belong to one of the following organizations.

Supplemental Department Documents

Many Sacramento State graduate departments require an additional application materials, as well as other requirements (e.g. letters of recommendation, portfolio, tests, essays, etc.). Please, contact your graduate department immediately for this information (see Graduate Programs).